
Showing posts from December, 2017


You know those times, where you're so upset, that nothing seems to help? Try to make yourself ANCHORED. You know that thing, that place,that item, that just makes you feel better? Not perhaps completely cured, but it just, helps? You could be having the worst day of your whole life, this thing will always help. But what if you are far, far away from this thing? This place could be 4000 kilometers away from where you are now, that thing feels so far away it might as well be on Jupiter. So just think. Close your eyes, and picture whatever, wherever, even whoever that thing is, and create the best mental image you possibly can. Think about who you've met, where you've been, what you've done and how this object, this place, how this person, helps you.If that doesn't help, take a look at what you're wearing. Is there anything that's significant? Put your hand on this item, and remember it's time with you. Whatever has hurt you, scared you, made you cry y...


WHAT NOT TO DO IN AN EXAM As every high school aged teen will know, exams are tough. Whether you ace them or not, your stress levels will reach all new highs. I myself am a musician, and know that exams for the arts are no different. Before the exam, (of any kind), try not to… Completely flip out. I know it’s hard, but getting angry or really sad at people around you will not help anyone. Try to space out your revision or practice. Make up a timetable of when you are going to study and stick to it. Let the exam take over. Don’t exclude yourself from the outside world. Letting the test, exam, aural presentation, performance or concert take over your mind and/or your life is not healthy. Break up your study into blocks each day or study with a friend. (I know that sounds like asking your crush to help you with that bio homework from literally every movie but that’s not what I meant). ;) Remember: Practice Makes Perfect! The more time you spend practicing, the better...